Posted On November 19, 2021

Restrictions Update – 19th November 2021

Following the easing of restrictions as of today, we can now provide an update on restrictions affecting basketball at SPBA and our COVID response.


Masks are not mandatory for patrons but are recommended in settings where you can not social distance.

Staff will continue to wear masks while in a public facing role as a precaution to keep everyone safe as they crossover groups of patrons.


Spectators are allowed into venues provided they meet our venue vaccination requirements.


At this point in time, vaccinations are still mandatory for all patrons aged 16 unless exempt. This includes players, coaches, officials, spectators, volunteers and staff.

Basketball Victoria yesterday announced that all Basketball Victoria operated leagues (VJBL and tryouts for Big V), events, tournaments, programs, camps or clinics will require all individuals aged 16 plus to be fully vaccinated (unless medically exempt) to participate. To view this announcement, CLICK HERE.

Close Contacts

If you are considered a close contact of a positive case, you no longer need to self-quarantine as previously required. You will instead need to get a PCR test and isolate until you receive a negative result.

Find out more about how the Association is handling COVID-19 and what you need to should you have COVID-19 or have to isolate.

What is SPBA’s Process for a response to a positive case?

We have a COVID Response Team which ensures we can distribute accurate information in a timely manner to all participants.

COVID Response Team (CRT):

  • Peter Caspersz – COVID Response Team Leader (CRTL)
  • Nicole Sinclair – COVID Response Operations Officer (CROO)
  • COVID Response Staff Liaison (CRSL)

Process for exposure site:

  1. Infected persons contact the Association on 03 5981 0347 or
  2. COVID Response Team Leader to notify COVID Response Team
  3. CRTL to interview infected persons via phone to determine movements through the stadium
  4. CRT to determine risk for each participant according to information gathered from interview and the Risk Matrix
  5. CROO to prepare written advice to distribute after initial communications made
  6. Notifications:
    1. CRTL to notify the club delegate or if no club delegate, the team/group manager of initial finding and probable requirements
    2. CRSL to notify staff and referees on shift
    3. CROO to notify venue owners/management (where required)
  7. Distribute written advice as deemed necessary to affected members
  8. If CRT deem necessary, prepare summary for website and/or social media

How will I know if I have been exposed to someone who has tested positive to COVID-19?

The Association or Club will be in contact with your club or team manager initially verbally. We will then provide further written advice directly to you via email.

This email will include any information you need in terms of if you are required to do anything.

All participants that are present on a court with a COVID-19 positive person or have likely crossed paths are strongly encouraged to get tested, regardless of the health requirements.

We will also contact teams that were present on either side of a game or training with a COVID positive attendee.

What do I do if I have tested positive and have attended a SPBA venue within 48 hours of symptoms developing?

If you have attended an SPBA venue within 48 hours of symptoms developing and testing positive to COVID-19, immediately contact the Association by or 03 5981 0347.

Our COVID-Response Team Leader will have a confidential conversation with you regarding your attendance at our venue in order to determine SPBA’s response.

Forfeit Policy (in place until 30th November)

Teams with COVID Concerns (not affected by players isolating)

As there has been a number of school exposure sites, we understand that certain teams may not feel comfortable at certain times to participate over the next couple of weeks. If your team needs to forfeit due to COVID related concerns (non-isolation reasons), you need to provide at least 48 hours’ notice. With less than 48 hours notice we are still obliged to pay the referees and other related costs for your game. In this circumstance, where less than 48 hours’ notice is provided forfeit fines will apply. Note – this does not apply to where players from a team have had to isolate. See below.

Teams with insufficient players due to players isolating

If your team is reduced to less than five players due to players having to isolate, we understand this can happen within 48 hours of the game and will not charge a forfeit fine. However, we do ask you inform us through your club as soon as possible or if you are a senior team to, including the names of the players affected by having to isolate. We strongly encourage players to fill in from other teams/clubs to avoid having to forfeit and allowing the kids to play!

If any member has any queries, please contact us at